
Mythic Dark hunter, is a great dragon. Overview, he has very to very high DPS value, average HP value and a terrific spellkit utilized for dealing lots of damage. He is very very powerful, cannot deny that. Plus, his spellkit opened for many different ways to rune him. Each setup empower for 1 specific purpose and comes with 1 flying style

πŸ’  The 1st  setup – Ammo + Atk


-Runes: Mythic Ammo rune + Legendary Ammo rune

-Glyphs: 2 mythic hunter glyphs stripped from 2 season hunters + Calavore’s glyph

-Rider: Anja or Sophia

=> Utilize for hitting up to way up on tiers. More attack glyphs means you have more DPS value. More DPS value resulting more damage in Dirge spell ( 2500% dragon ‘s modified attack value ) and Eulogy when being casted ( 200% dragon ‘s modified attack value ).  More ammo means your Cal has more damage to spray and burst down towers under effect of Eulogy, before towers can hit you

Recommend for players NOT reaching to End-game tier ( Verdant )

πŸ’ The 2nd setup – Ammo + Rage


-Runes: Mythic Ammo rune + Mythic rage rune. If you don’t have the mythic ammo, legendary ammo is still good

-Glyphs: Legendary rage glyph with secondary hunter ammo ( Everyone had this )

    Calavore’s mythic glyph

  The 3rd glyph, depends what you have in your storage: legendary rage glyph or mythic seasonal hunter ‘s glyph . Both are all good.

-Rider: Strongly recommend if you have Xandra. But Anja/ Sophia is also a good choice

=>Utilize for battles in Diamond league. In Diamond, Bases are huge and armed with lots of towers, built on 3 and above islands. This build is specialize for nuking down towers + ability to regain rage back to prepair for the next island. Furthermore , more rage regenation means you can perform more cross over on long island to dodge out sps + regain hunter ammo to continuously dealing damage on towers. You don’t have to worry about the lacking of damage when you are at Verdant. 

Highly recommend for End-game players

πŸ’  The 3rd setup – Rage + atk

First of all, I don’t like this setup. Calavore is a hunter designed for nuking down towers with his hunter ammos. Two of his spell are designed to empower damaged caused by ammos. Ammo runes are very critical to the quality of his performance. Don’t follow this if you have ammo runes in your storage.


-Runes: Mythic rage rune + Calavore ‘s legendary rune

-Glyphs: Calavore ‘s mythic glyph

    Seasonal hunters ‘s mythic glyph

    Legendary rage rune

-Rider: Xandra

The purpose of this build is quite similar to the Ammo + Rage build. Only 1 difference: for the Ammo + Rage, we nuke down towers with lots of ammos . For this one: because we don’t have too much ammos for Cal to spray out, we will want every single of hunter ammo deal MORE damage than usual, so Cal can still nuke down towers easily without having a bunch of ammos.

Everyone can use this build. 

Hope everyone enjoy my guide and stay tune for my next part.

Always have fun! πŸ‰

Brotherinarms - 2020

Content by SchwazerKaiser 


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