Wars we declare πŸ›‘️

⚔️ πŸ›‘️ Prior to War

⚔️ πŸ›‘️ All members need to register their war availability in settings, (please ask one of our officers if you don’t know how to record this information - instructions can also be found in Line Chat).

⚔️ πŸ›‘️ The Leadership will inform everyone of our target with anticipation, please KEEP THIS INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL AND DON'T DO TEST RUNS AGAINST OUR CHOSEN OPPONENTS.

⚔️ πŸ›‘️ All bases need to be boosted and perches fed, for at least 24 hours, and covering the duration of the war.
Look at the targets available in the opposing team, please choose a target based on the known strengths of your dragons at maximum power and anticipate for defenders.

⚔️ πŸ›‘️ Don't try to be a "hero", fly within your flying capabilities, failed attempts will harm the team.  If unsure, ask for advice regarding your ideal war target prior to wars. Officers and other team members will be happy to assist you.

⚔️ War Waves 🌊

⚔️ 🌊 War waves are a necessary ‘evil’ in WD, as they are arguably one of the most important tools for success in war.

Reasons include:

⚔️ 🌊War waves split defenders and help minimise defence resistance on individual attackers and that way, significantly reduce the number of failed war runs.

⚔️ 🌊War waves overwhelm defenders and help the team amaze big points in war, which in turn, will help generate mistakes and demoralise the opposition.

⚔️ 🌊 War waves demonstrate team strength & discipline to opposing teams, and in doing so, they promote our team as a force to be reckoned with, while also deterring future speculative war declarations on us.


⚔️ πŸ›‘️ All members must report for war waves in War Room and/or inform an officer if they are unable to participate in a wave run, so if possible, alternative support arrangements can be made for them.

⚔️ πŸ›‘️War Wave times are announced and notified in War Chat, by the war leaders. plenty of notice will be given regarding up and coming waves.  Notifications will also come up in your War Dragons game notifications, these announcements will be going by War Clock times. (Please see note in Line about the 'War Clock' times)

⚔️ πŸ›‘️NO CHATTING in the War Room during wars. Its important to keep the Wars Room clear of confusing information. So while in war chat, please only respond to specific questions from officers or the war leader and allow the chat to be clear of chatter so important information about the war isn't lost in the confusion.


⚔️ πŸ›‘️ Please don’t just turn up to do your war run and expect immediate war backup, successful war runs require patience and a little flexibility from all of us.   

Always have fun! πŸ›Έ

Brotherinarms - 2020

Content by PurpleOrion 🌌


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