🛡️ Defence 🛡️

🛡️ Try to ensure you are present During War Check! This is our first line of defence for wars declared on us. 👀 If we are declared on - even when multiple war declarations happen against BIA at the same time, remember this...





🛡️ Defence points no longer count in deciding wars, but defending well forces opponents into redos and wasted tries, which could make a significant impact on winning or losing a war.


🛡️ Always join banners to defend a teammate during war attacks. Just joining to defend a teammate could be enough to ensure a redo or a wasted attempt by the opponent.

🛡️ During wars, always set aside time to defend the team and set your defence alerts on, so you are notified of attacks.

🛡️ Where possible, try to jump in-game if alerted that the enemy is gathering online, or if a war wave is in progress. 

🛡️ Maintain a good stock of defence 🔨 hammers 🛡️shields and ⚔️ swords in order to ensure the defence of our bases is as effective as possible, during wars.

🛡️ Keep an eye on team chat for the latest information regarding the team’s defence strategy.

🛡️ Ensure that you are aware of our strategically important bases, because while all bases are important, the bases of our leader and higher-level members, will offer the highest level of resistance to incoming attacks, and strong defenders will add to that value. Please familiarise yourself with our top bases.

ℹ  For more tips and information to improve your defence skills, please check Line chat.

🛡️ Our Bases 🛡️

🛡️ All bases can be defeated in this game, but a good base will ensure that the opponent team has to work a lot harder for their points in a war against us; because a good base will provide greater opportunities for failed runs, more attempts, or complete failure for the opponent team. Plus a good base can deter
some opponents and make them hit lower than their level, helping to create gaps in their attack rosters. Please see base information via Line Chat or ask for advice from the leader officers and other teammates.

🛡️ During war we expect:

🛡️ All bases to be boosted for the duration of the war

🛡️ All buildings away from the main castle island to be *live*, this means that during war your base SHOULDN'T have a building in under-construction status AND during a war, there should NEVER be a gap in your kill island.

Always have fun! 🃏

Brotherinarms - 2020

Content by PurpleOrion 🌌


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